We will
never forget!
PowerPoint Presentations
for Spanish Class!!Click here to get out of someone else's frame...
Welcome! I am a high school Spanish teacher in Massachusetts. I teach at a place called St. John's High School. We are in the process of integrating technology more and more in to our classrooms. To that end, I have created some PowerPoint presentations that I have used successfully in class. The links below will allow you to download the presentations directly. You must have PowerPoint or the PowerPoint viewer installed on your computer to view them. Otherwise you can just save them to your machine for your own use, and feel free to use / modify them as you like. In Internet Explorer, right-click the link, and then choose "save target as" to save a copy to your own computer. In Netscape, right-click, and choose "save link as" to do the same. If you do download and use them, please drop me a note to let me know. Have fun!!
Download the PowerPoint Viewer here!
ANNOUNCEMENT!!Some of the presentations have been moved.
This page now only contains those presentations
used for my Spanish I class.Page 2 (Spanish II, AP, Miscellaneous) can now be found
by clicking here for page 2!
First Day Millionaire!      The original, single slide was created by Christine Stanley. This version is what I use the first day of class with Spanish I to test their knowledge of Spanish culture, and to illustrate how present the Spanish language is in today's world. Music and sounds included. (388kb) Click here for instructions on how to use the "Millionaire" game.
El Mundo Hispano      Basic geography of the Spanish-speaking world. Includes maps, flags, capitals, and nationalities. The maps make the file somewhat larger than the rest. (1.6mb) ¿Qué hora es?      I used this presentation to review the time expressions with my Spanish I class. It includes the vocabulary and several examples for them to practice. (295kb) Los Sustantivos en español      This is presents nouns in Spanish. It presents gender, plurals, definite and indefinite articles. (311kb) Los Verbos en -AR      A quick review of -AR verb conjugations. Covers personal pronouns, verb endings, and conjugation practice. (370kb) Las Palabras Interrogativas      A review of of the question-asking interrogative words, and questions in general, how to ask them, how to answer them, etc. (332kb) El Verbo "IR"      This covers the forms of the irregular verb "IR" as well as several vocabulary expression having to do with destinations and modes of transportation. (324kb) Ser y Estar      Several examples of the differences between the two verbs are offered. There are also some in-class practice sentences at the end. See below for another example of a Ser / Estar presentation by Leni Bronstein. (254kb) El verbo GUSTAR      Always a difficult concept, this presentation outlines the basics of the "gustar" construction. Useful mainly as a review, after classroom presentation. (342kb) El Calendario      This is a simple presentation of the vocabulary and expressions used to talk about days of the week, months, seasons, etc. Also included is information on how to talk about dates, names of some important holidays, and a brief explanation of el día de tu santo. (467kb) Los Adjetivos Demostrativos      This one is very short, just a brief explanation of what the demonstratives are and how to use them, followed by several examples. (128kb) El Tiempo      This is a presentation I did to review the weather expressions in Spanish (9 slides). The kids liked it and I think it was pretty successful. Click on the slide image at the left to view / download the file. (339kb) Jeopardy!      It's the classic TV show-turned-review game. Thanks to Matt Hamlyn for the original version. I used this version as a final exam review in my Spanish I classes last year and the kids loved it. Includes sounds effects, single- and double-jeopardy, and daily doubles. (453kb) Click here for instructions on how to use the "Jeopardy" game.
ANNOUNCEMENT!!Some of the presentations have been moved.
This page now only contains those presentations
used for my Spanish I class.Page 2 (Spanish II, AP, Miscellaneous) can now be found
by clicking here for page 2!
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